What To Know When Buying Life Insurance
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Your need for life insurance varies with your age and responsibilities. It is a very important part of financial planning. There are several reasons to purchase life insurance. You may need to replace income that would be lost with the death of a wage earner. You may want to make sure your dependents do not incur significant debt when you die. Life insurance may allow them to keep assets versus selling them to pay outstanding bills or taxes.
When insurance companies are unable to successfully locate a beneficiary to a life insurance policy within a specified period of time, they must remit the property to the state for safekeeping for the benefit of the rightful owner.
Buying life insurance requires a few simple steps: deciding how you want to shop, identifying reputable life insurance companies, and determining the coverage length and amount you need. And, if you have life insurance through your employer, you'll want to factor that in to how much coverage you get when you buy another life policy.
Depending on where you live, you'll likely have three options when it comes to buying life insurance. You can shop for life insurance with an independent local insurance agent, through an independent online broker, or by going directly to an insurance company. You can even try all three methods of shopping for life insurance to compare quotes and determine which experience you're most comfortable with:
Your employer might offer you another option to purchase life insurance. Companies often provide a set amount of life insurance as part of their benefits package. If you decide to take the benefit offered at work, it's still a good idea to review your financial situation and make sure you don't need additional coverage. The coverage amount offered by your employer might not be enough to provide for your dependents long term or pay off debt if something happens to you.
Especially when shopping independently, be sure to research the life insurance companies behind the offers you're presented with. Key things to look for in an insurer before purchasing a life policy include:
Another factor to consider when buying life insurance is the type of life policy. Ultimately, your two main choices will be term life or permanent life insurance, each of which is designed differently. A term life insurance policy will typically cover you for a set period, usually somewhere between 10 and 30 years, while permanent life insurance covers you for life, as long as the premiums are paid.
Once you determine how much life insurance coverage you need, selecting a plan that fully provides for your loved ones becomes easier. Keep in mind that your premium will depend on the type of coverage and benefit amount you choose. That's why it makes sense to get multiple quotes to determine the best life insurance for you and your budget.
Reasons to buy insurance are different for everyone. But the decision to purchase insurance is, at its core, all about providing financial security for yourself and the ones you care about. Learn why life insurance is important, and who needs it.
Buying life insurance protects your spouse and children from the potentially devastating financial losses that could result if something happened to you. It provides financial security, helps to pay off debts, helps to pay living expenses, and helps to pay any medical or final expenses.
Your life insurance policy can deliver a specified sum of money when you need it. Upon your death, your family will receive your policy payout immediately. And that death benefit is generally not subject to federal income taxes. For example, a $500,000 policy provides $500,000 in death benefit proceeds directly to your beneficiary.
5. Dividend potential One of the benefits of purchasing whole life insurance from New York Life is that you will be eligible to receive dividends.4 Although they are not guaranteed, when dividends are awarded, you can take them in cash, use them to offset your premiums, or use them to buy paid-up additional insurance that increases your coverage and cash value, use them to offset your premiums, or take them in cash.
1The life insurance death benefit is the amount that is paid when the policy is in effect and the insured dies. The insured is the person whose life is covered under the policy. Accessing the cash value of a Whole Life policy for special expenditures will reduce the available cash surrender value and the death benefit.2A living benefit is any benefit the policy owner can access while the insured is still living. Not all life insurance policies are designed to offer living benefits. 3All guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuer4While dividends are not guaranteed, eligible policy owners have received them for more than 160 years. Some policies are participating but are not expected to receive dividends.
Most of us need life insurance at some point in our lives. But don't buy a policy just because you heard it was a good idea. Life insurance is designed to provide your family with financial security in case you, your spouse, or a parent passes away.
Life insurance can help pay off your mortgage, help with college expenses, help fund your retirement, and help with estate planning. If you have loved ones who depend on your income for support, you should strongly consider getting life insurance. Also, the younger you are, the less expensive life insurance will be, so even if you don't have an immediate need you may want to consider purchasing a \"starter\" policy for the future.
Using these tools and educating yourself on the workings of life insurance and other financial products, however, can help you feel more comfortable when discussing your needs with a financial professional like a New York Life agent.
New York Life Insurance Company is one of the largest mutual life insurance companies in the world.1 Being mutual means our primary focus is on creating long-term financial safety and stability for our policy owners.
With terms like \"premium,\" \"dividend,\" \"beneficiary,\" and so on, understanding how life insurance works can be confusing. To help you understand this whole process, we have put together a glossary of insurance terms to help you understand this process.
Purchasing life insurance may seem complicated if you have never done it before. Unlike home or auto insurance, there are many types of life insurance policies. Each comes with potential pros and cons, as well as different price tags.
The first step in getting life insurance is to figure out how much coverage is right for you. In general, you should probably consider buying enough coverage to support your financial dependents for several years after your death, based on your current lifestyle and financial situation.
Next, you will probably want to find a few life insurance companies that appeal to you. Remember that no two companies are the same. When choosing a life insurance company, search the website and look at the policy options. The best life insurance company for you may offer a combination of coverage options that fit your insurance needs and a positive customer service experience.
When you request to receive a quote, you will typically be asked to provide some personal information, including your age, address and gender. Additionally, you will likely need to submit basic information about your medical history. This typically includes information about your lifestyle, smoking history, past surgeries and medications you are taking. The insurance company will then use the information provided to calculate your life insurance rate, although the quoted premium may change after your medical exam if one is required.
Not all life insurance policies require a medical exam. If you meet certain requirements, you might be able to get approved for coverage without an in-person exam. While this can expedite the approval process, no-medical-exam policies are usually more expensive because of the higher level of risk for the insurance company.
Veterans Affairs Life Insurance (VALife) became available January 1, 2023 and offers guaranteed acceptance whole life coverage of up to $40,000 to Veterans with service-connected disabilities. Learn more about VALife. Lesser amounts are available in increments of $10,000. Under this plan, the elected coverage takes effect two years after enrollment as long as premiums are paid during the two-year period. Learn more about Veterans Affairs Life Insurance.Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) is a low-cost group term life insurance program for Servicemembers. Coverage can be extended for up to two years if the Servicemember is totally disabled at separation. Learn the difference between term and whole life coverage. SGLI coverage is automatic for most active duty Servicemembers, Ready Reserve and National Guard members scheduled to perform at least 12 periods of inactive training per year, members of the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Public Health Service, cadets and midshipmen of the U.S. military academies, and ROTC members. Learn more about Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance.Veterans' Group Life Insurance (VGLI) allows Veterans to convert your SGLI to a civilian program of lifetime renewable term coverage after separation from service. Learn more about the difference between term and whole life coverage. VGLI Servicemembers with full-time SGLI coverage are eligible to convert SGLI to VGLI after separation from service. Learn more about Veterans' Group Life Insurance.Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) insures spouses and children of Servicemembers with SGLI coverage. Spousal coverage may not exceed the Servicemember's coverage. Dependent children are automatically covered at no charge. FSGLI term life insurance coverage is automatically provided to spouses and dependent children of Servicemembers insured under SGLI. Learn more about Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance.Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI) is an automatic feature of SGLI that provides payments to Servicemembers who suffer losses, such as amputations, blindness, and paraplegia, due to traumatic injuries that occur in service. All Servicemembers insured by SGLI are automatically covered by TSGLI. Learn more about Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection.Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance (VMLI) provides mortgage life insurance protection to disabled Veterans who have been approved for a VA Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant. VMLI is available to Veterans who received a Specially Adapted Housing Grant (SAH), have title to the home, and have a mortgage on the home. Learn more about Veterans' Mortgage Life Insurance.Service-Disabled Veterans' Life Insurance (S-DVI) closed to new enrollment after December 31, 2022. However, we began accepting applications for VALife on January 1, 2023. 59ce067264
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